沖繩最美海灘秘境!你知道沖繩竟然有馬爾地夫嗎?揭秘值得被推爆6大原因The best beach paradise in Okinawa. | Oh Maggie

沖繩最美海灘秘境,你知道沖繩竟然有馬爾地夫嗎?Maggie揭秘值得被推爆6大原因,沖繩當地人最火紅的天然海灘與潛水勝地,位在東部伊計島的大泊海灘,堪比馬爾地夫、夏威夷,讓你省下大把預算,還能在蔚藍清澈海水中與魚群共游,在長達600公尺長的絕美天然海灘,漫步遼闊在軟綿沙灘上,大小朋友都可以浮潛在清澈透藍海水,甚至肉眼就可以看到魚呢! 來到這裡,盡情享受悠活自在生活,Maggie在沖繩住了一年,走訪無數海灘,這絕對是最值得一訪的!疫情穩定與安全後,去看看吧,期待你的分享。如果已經去過的朋友,也在留言和我們分享你的經驗喲。

Oodomari beach is a 600-meter natural beach that you can enjoy snorkeling with a tropical fish. Oodomari beach is on Ikei Island. Cross the bridge to Ikei Island and go through the tunnel. Pass the Ikei-beach and continue straight ahead. Turn left on the first alley. Go through a winding road in the sugarcane field. Turn left at the signboard of Oodomari beach. Go down to a narrow street surrounded by trees Arrive at the Oodomari Beach!

#沖繩#沖繩海灘#自由行必去 歡迎按讚、訂閱、分享與開啟小鈴鐺,也歡迎留言告訴我,你們的想法。

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Special thanks to my perfect husband: Jackson


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